Engaging employees in a dynamic of individual and collective behavioural change is a complex and sensitive process.
It requires, on the one hand, an appropriate pedagogical approach to motivate and convince and, on the other hand, commitment and regular follow-up. It is indeed a progressive evolutionary process that must be nurtured and supported over the long-term for it to be effective and to achieve the expected results.
We have therefore built our programme methodology on the basis of the 3 following complementary models:
1. Pedagogical Model
We believe that the long-term commitment of individuals and group synergy are the results of a deep understanding supported by personal and collective experiences. This is why we have articulated our pedagogical model in three complementary stages:
We begin by sharing key elements of knowledge from various fields of scientific research: neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and contemplative sciences.
We then invite participants to examine the acquired knowledge through critical analysis.
This fundamental aspect corresponds to an investigation based on understanding, comparison with personal experiences and shared reflections under the guidance of the trainers.
Finally, we help participants to apply the results of the investigations to their professional contexts and convert them into direct experience.
This last step is essential as experience becomes the main catalyst to gain confidence and engage effectively in meaningful change and improvement.
2. Competency Model
Our training courses focus on the development of inner resources and qualities that apply to two fundamental and complementary levels in the participants’ ability to Observe, Analyse and Act:
Mindset is the learned ability of participants to generate constructive states of mind that will determine how they interpret and respond to situations.
Skillset is the set of new skills and tools that participants will be able to apply to their professional and personal endeavours.
3. Transformative Model
Although the aim is to strengthen and cultivate individual essential skills, some of these skills, nevertheless, have social impacts. Depending on the importance the organisation places on this social dimension, the components of our programme offer a progressive capacity for transformation. Thus, if the organisation wishes to create a better managed social environment, it can use our workshops to agree on the changes to be made and thus create the basis for collective engagement.
It is in order to meet these different needs that our programme is based on a process of gradual transformation operating at three levels:
Any change is only possible if it is first and foremost an individual will. This is why we propose specific pedagogical and competency models to inspire, engage and guide each individual in a process of reflection and experience in order to create the basis for a genuine motivation for improvement.
The social dimension of a workplace has two components: individual responsibility and shared values.
Our training courses consider the first aspect by highlighting the important role played by each individual in creating an engaging and stimulating social environment.
To act on the second aspect, we offer a specific workshop that allows organisations to establish a clear set of shared values and behaviours and demonstrates how they can engage each individual.
The impact at the organisational level is the last step in defining how the agreed set of core values and behaviours could positively influence some structural aspects like internal processes, working methods, social activities and the reputation of the organisation. All these reflections and transformative processes are addressed through dedicated workshops.