Understanding and mastering the mind is essential for a better life.
In a social and professional context more complex and demanding than ever before, it has become essential to develop the skills that will enable everyone to remain balanced, clear-headed and constructive in their professional and personal lives.
Our training courses cover six areas of essential skills that enable individuals, teams and managers to strengthen the mental attitudes and behaviours that improve well-being, interpersonal relationships, resilience and engagement.
Our programme offers four components: Consulting, Training, Evaluations and Workshops that enable professional structures to build the foundations of a shared culture of human values that are a source of satisfaction and effectiveness.
Our Set of
Essential Skills
Based on scientific evidence, we have defined a set of six areas of core skills which are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
This set of skills encompasses all the knowledge, mindset and skillset that help each individual to observe, analyse and act in the most constructive way.
These skills are described as essential because they have a direct impact on the quality of individual life and on the efficient functioning of organisations1J. K. Harter, F. L. Schmidt and T. L. Hayes, Business-Unit-Level Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, and Business Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology (2002) + T. Rath and J. Harter, The Economics of Wellbeing, Gallup (2002) + A. W. Woolley, C. F. Chabris, A. Pentland, N. Hashmi, and T. W. Malone, Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups, Science (2010)..
Tailored to different
sectors of activity
Our programme can be adapted to the needs and constraints of different sectors of activity by modulating the content of our six areas of essential skills and by integrating specific contents.
Whether it is e-learning or training programmes for in-house universities or academies, we help organisations and groups to enrich their training content with tailor-made resources based on our six areas of essential skills.
For more details, please contact us.
We have created training courses for:
Of the 404 respondents to our end-of-training evaluation questionnaire (November 2024),
the rate of Satisfied and Very Satisfied is: