Logotype of Mind of Joy Consulting with corporate signature

Launch of Mind of Joy Consulting

January 2021. Here we are! After a little more than two years of intense and exciting work, here comes the long-awaited moment of the launch of our new activity. We are launching it in this very peculiar context of pandemic, social and economic crises, and what we are offering today is precisely of great value to all companies and organisations at a period when their human resources are confronted with multiple individual and collective challenges.

Developing Strategic Human Skills

We rarely question ourselves when everything is going well, leaving to periods of crisis the impulse of doing it. This is why the current situation really invites companies and organisations to reconsider the value and the skills required of their Human Capital.

We believe that the best strategy to adopt consists of reinforcing the skills that we, at Mind of Joy Consulting, qualify as Strategic Human Skills.

The skills that we have selected are at the very foundation of behaviours and capacities of each individual to observe, analyse and act in the most constructive way. They are more than ever strategic because, when they are adopted by teams, they have a direct impact on the ability to adapt, innovate and grow in the long term.

It is as a result of our aim to reinforce teams and leaders with these specific skills that we have developed a unique and comprehensive training programme structured around six areas of human skills:

  1. Mental Focus & Awareness
  2. Emotional Competencies
  3. Subjective Well-being
  4. Prosocial Skills
  5. Resilience
  6. Purpose & Engagement

An innovative programme

The large number of scientific studies on the functioning of the brain and the mind now makes it possible to bring a new type of training to professional environments.

Following the understanding of the limits to favouring the development of technical skills to the detriment of human skills (soft skills), new, exciting, reliable and effective training content is now being introduced, offering each employee the opportunity to develop the resources and skills needed to respond to the difficulties of professional life in a more balanced and effective way.

Similarly, new learning techniques, such as mind-training practices, are making a more widespread entry into the professional world. These practices are simple, can be learned by all and have proven their ability to promote constructive behaviour.

Beyond individual benefits, these constructive behaviours take on their full meaning when they become an integral part of the workplace culture and values. This is why, in addition to our main training courses, we offer workshops to support our clients in processing their social and organisational evolutions.

Although mindfulness practices and training on traditional topics such as resilience or emotion management have already been proposed for several years, the programme that we offer is today by its completeness and its consistency with professional environments, unmatched on the market.

We have built an innovative programme that can truly and sustainably help teams and leaders to thrive and succeed despite the complexity of their environment.

A specific pedagogical approach

We have built our programme taking into account the specific requirements for the development of a set of human skills and their constraints for effective implementation.

Indeed, we cannot increase resilience or effective emotion management without developing awareness and focused attention. Likewise, one cannot hope to improve individual and collective efficiency and commitment without taking into consideration the mechanisms of subjective well-being, the importance of prosocial skills and the need for shared purpose and values.

In order to achieve real results, behavioural changes need to be approached as a complex and sensitive process with long-term commitment and an appropriate pedagogical method to motivate and convince.

As long-term individual motivation and group synergy result from a deep understanding of psychological and emotional mechanisms supported by personal and collective experiences, we have developed a specific three-level pedagogical model based on Knowledge, Investigation and Experience.

Addressing demanding professional roles

In this light, we felt it was important to address, through additional training modules, certain key professional roles and environments where for different reasons, we perceive that the development of these skills could be particularly important.

Our Leadership module aims at supporting senior executive managers and leaders to act with true wisdom by carrying their responsibilities as an inspiration to grow and embody their role model;

Our Politics module for political civil servants specifically addresses the needs of social intelligence and a wise power management in the noble art of managing the common good in the midst of contradictions;

Our Healthcare module takes into consideration the severe professional challenges that medical, paramedical and care-giving professionals face in this key sector of activity, especially in this moment, providing them with tools to face crisis with resilience and satisfaction;

Our Education module helps faculty and staff in higher education institutions to consider the specific pedagogical challenges of students of the digital generation, by promoting inspiring educational environments that help them build resilience in the face of academic and social challenges.

Excellent results

For more than a year now, we have been testing some components of our training with the administrative and executive staff of different public services of a large Italian region. More than 300 people have been trained and the results of our training evaluations are more than encouraging, with a satisfaction rate of 98% as well as a Net Promoter Score® of 77 (70 is considered excellent in the training sector).

Our programme has the capacity to improve individual and collective behaviour with an impact on the well-being, relationships, efficiency and results of the organisation.

Building Mind of Joy Consulting has been an extraordinary opportunity for us to transfer our knowledge and experience into a meaningful and valuable programme. It also allows us to express our belief – backed by a large number of scientific studies – that within organisations every individual counts and those who put human values at the heart of their culture are much more likely to create value and be able to adapt and prosper on a long term.

It is therefore with great joy and confidence that we are launching our Strategic Human Skills at Work Development Programme with the firm intention of providing companies and organisations with the best methods and tools to help their teams and leaders to flourish and succeed despite the complexity of their professional environments.

We are at your disposal and we take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2021 year,

Laurent van Steenkiste & Valentina Dolara

Photo credit: mockup from GraphicBurger

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